Discover the benefits of on-demand therapy with Dr Drew Falconer

Listen in as Dr Drew Falconer, Medical Director of Inova Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center, explains the benefits of on-demand therapy. Dr Falconer is a board-certified neurologist and a fellowship-trained movement specialist who works specifically in the advanced care of patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Dr Drew Falconer explains when physicians should consider on-demand therapies
When Should Physicians Consider On-Demand Therapies?

From a TouchNeurology Interview

Dr Drew Falconer
Dr Drew Falconer
Dr Drew Falconer explains when physicians should consider on-demand therapies
In What Patients Should On-Demand Therapy Be Considered as a Treatment Option?

From a TouchNeurology Interview

Dr Drew Falconer
Dr Drew Falconer
Dr Drew Falconer explains when physicians should consider on-demand therapies
On-Demand Therapy: Changing the Treatment Paradigm in PD

From a TouchNeurology Interview

Dr Drew Falconer
Dr Drew Falconer

Taking charge of returning symptoms

Although some details have been changed, these stories are all based on actual Parkinson's patients taking carbidopa/levodopa (CD/LD) and their experiences with INBRIJA.

  • INBRIJA starts to work in as early as 10 minutes so patients can get back in charge of their day13
  • In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of INBRIJA for the treatment of OFF periods in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with CD/LD, INBRIJA provided significant improvement in motor function 30 minutes post dose13
  • INBRIJA is inhaled levodopa and can be taken up to 5 times a day when symptoms return (no more than 1 dose per OFF period)


a 63-year-old woman on CD/LD whose mornings were eclipsed by returning symptoms

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When her granddaughter’s weekly ballet practice was moved from the afternoon to the morning, Viv was no longer able to attend
  • A figure getting outof bed Viv's return of symptoms (difficulty walking, muscle discomfort, and tightness) made it a challenge to get her day started.
  • A sun poking out from the clouds She scheduled her mornings around her OFF symptoms and avoided activities outside of the house.
Taking charge of her OFF periods
  • A figure dancing Since her doctor prescribed on-demand INBRIJA to help with her return of symptoms, Viv has gone back to being a regular presence at her granddaughter’s morning ballet practice.
Portrait of Viv smiling at her granddaughter's ballet practice.
INBRIJA has helped Viv take back control of her return of symptoms. She’s able to participate in morning activities that she’d been forced to stop. It’s made a difference in her life.
—Viv’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
INBRIJA has helped Viv take back control of her return of symptoms. She’s able to participate in morning activities that she’d been forced to stop. It’s made a difference in her life.
—Viv’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
Meet Andrea


Meet Thomas

Meet thomas


a 64-year-old man on CD/LD who was grounded by symptom return

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Thomas became discouraged by his unpredictable return of symptoms. He spent more time at home alone and had to give up an activity he was passionate about
  • Shaking hand Thomas' symptom return (tremors, loss of dexterity, slowness, and clumsiness) caused him to accidentally drop the model planes.
  • Stiff legs During a group tour, he experienced a return of symptoms, which impacted his ability to finish the tour due to slowness and stiffness affecting his walking.
Getting Thomas back on track with INBRIJA
  • A figure looking at a book Because Thomas was experiencing unpredictable symptom return, his doctor decided to add INBRIJA in addition to adjusting his baseline medications, allowing Thomas to address his symptom return and resume the volunteer work he loves.
Portrait of Thomas smiling at the aviation museum.
With on-demand INBRIJA, Thomas can now address his symptom return as soon as he feels them coming. Thomas is now back at the plane museum volunteering and enjoying his passion.
—Thomas’ treating physician
Actor portrayal.
With on-demand INBRIJA, Thomas can now address his symptom return as soon as he feels them coming. Thomas is now back at the plane museum volunteering and enjoying his passion.
—Thomas’ treating physician
Actor portrayal.
Meet Viv

Meet VIV

Meet Patrick

Meet Patrick


a 59-year-old man on CD/LD who was sidelined by symptom return

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Patrick began to cut back on face-to-face meetings at work and stopped going to the gym because he was concerned that his symptoms would return unexpectedly
  • Shaking hand Patrick began experiencing disruptive symptom return, which typically included rigidity and slowness. Oral therapy took some time to begin to work and the disruptions were distressing—especially in the office.
  • Stiff legs If Patrick’s symptoms returned while he was in the gym, they usually put an end to his workout.
Getting back on his game
  • A figure running
    In addition to adjusting Patrick’s baseline treatment, his doctor also prescribed on-demand INBRIJA so that he can manage his symptom return anytime, anywhere.
    Refer to the Full Prescribing Information for the Instructions For Use.
Portrait of Patrick smiling at the office.
INBRIJA has made a difference in Patrick’s ability to control his OFF periods. When he started to see that his return of symptoms could be managed in a timely way, he became reengaged professionallyand in his workout routine.
—Patrick’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
INBRIJA has made a difference in Patrick’s ability to control his OFF periods. When he started to see that his return of symptoms could be managed in a timely way, he became reengaged professionallyand in his workout routine.
—Patrick’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
Meet Thomas

Meet thomas

Meet Stephen

Meet stephen

MEET stephen,

a 62-year-old man on CD/LD who was knocked off his game by symptom return

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Stephen’s concern and frustration over symptom return began to keep him from playing golf and seeing his friends
  • A shaking golf club Stephen started experiencing returning symptoms like tremors, rigidity, and gait disturbance, often while playing golf.
  • A figure sitting down next to their golf clubs He would have to quit before finishing the round because his next dose of oral CD/LD would not begin working soon enough.
Getting back on course
  • A golf ball sitting on a tee Stephen’s doctor adjusted his baseline regimen and also added on-demand INBRIJA to help manage his symptoms when they occur so that Stephen wouldn’t miss out on important moments with his friends.
Stephen smiling on the golf course with friends.
On-demand INBRIJA has helped Stephen take control over his symptoms when they return. He no longer lets the concern of symptoms returning stop him from playing a round of golf with his friends.
—Stephen’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
On-demand INBRIJA has helped Stephen take control over his symptoms when they return. He no longer lets the concern of symptoms returning stop him from playing a round of golf with his friends.
—Stephen’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
Meet Patrick

Meet Patrick

Meet Andrea

Meet Andrea

MEET andrea,

a 58-year-old woman on CD/LD who was taken out of the game by symptom return

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Andrea’s concern over symptom return in public caused her to begin skipping her weekly bowling night with the girls
  • A group of figures Andrea started experiencing unexpected symptom return, which typically included difficulty walking, tremors on her left side, quiet voice, and “everything slowing down.”
  • A crossed-out party hat Andrea's concern that her symptoms would return and impact her in public caused her to begin skipping social events and regular get-togethers.
How Andrea got back in the game
  • A bowling ball hitting the pins After Andrea shared how the unpredictability of symptom return was affecting her day, her doctor decided to prescribe on-demand INBRIJA in addition to adjusting her baseline medication. Now, Andrea is excited to be back at bowling night with her friends. 
Portrait of Andrea smiling during her bowling game.
INBRIJA has been a helpful addition to Andrea’s treatment plan. She no longer avoids after-work social outings with friends. She takes INBRIJA on-demand as soon as she feels her symptoms return and gets back to her day.
—Andrea’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
INBRIJA has been a helpful addition to Andrea’s treatment plan. She no longer avoids after-work social outings with friends. She takes INBRIJA on-demand as soon as she feels her symptoms return and gets back to her day.
—Andrea’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
Meet Stephen

Meet Stephen

Meet Viv

Meet Viv

Meet VIV,

a 63-year-old woman whose mornings were eclipsed by returning symptoms

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  • list icon Loves to attend her granddaughter’s ballet practice
  • list icon Taking CD/LD for 6 years
  • list icon Taking charge of her OFF periods
Actor portrayal.
Headshot of Viv smiling at camera


a 63-year-old woman on CD/LD whose mornings were eclipsed by returning symptoms

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When her granddaughter’s weekly ballet practice was moved from the afternoon to the morning, Viv was no longer able to attend
  • A figure getting out of bed Viv's return of symptoms (difficulty walking, muscle discomfort, and tightness) made it a challenge to get her day started.
  • A sun poking out from the clouds She scheduled her mornings around her OFF symptoms and avoided activities outside of the house.
Taking charge of her OFF periods
  • A figure dancing Since her doctor prescribed on-demand INBRIJA to help with her return of symptoms, Viv has gone back to being a regular presence at her granddaughter’s morning ballet practice.
Portrait of Viv smiling at her granddaughter's ballet practice.
INBRIJA has helped Viv take back control of her return of symptoms. She’s able to participate in morning activities that she’d been forced to stop. It’s made a difference in her life.
—Viv’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.

Meet thomas,

a 64-year-old man who was grounded by symptom return

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  • list icon Loves volunteering at a local museum and teaching people about planes
  • list icon Taking CD/LD for 8 years
  • list icon Getting back on track with INBRIJA
Actor portrayal.
Headshot of Thomas sitting and facing the camera


a 64-year-old man on CD/LD who was grounded by symptom return

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Thomas became discouraged by his unpredictable return of symptoms. He spent more time at home alone and had to give up an activity he was passionate about
  • Shaking hand Thomas' symptom return (tremors, loss of dexterity, slowness, and clumsiness) caused him to accidentally drop the model planes.
  • Stiff legs During a group tour, he experienced a return of symptoms, which impacted his ability to finish the tour due to slowness and stiffness affecting his walking.
Getting Thomas back on track with INBRIJA
  • A figure looking at a book Because Thomas was experiencing unpredictable symptom return, his doctor decided to add INBRIJA in addition to adjusting his baseline medications, allowing Thomas to address his symptom return and resume the volunteer work he loves.
Portrait of Thomas smiling at the aviation museum.
With on-demand INBRIJA, Thomas can now address his symptom return as soon as he feels them coming. Thomas is now back at the plane museum volunteering and enjoying his passion.
—Thomas’ treating physician
Actor portrayal.


a 59-year-old man who was sidelined by symptom return

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  • list icon Committed to regular exercise and physical therapy up to 3 times a week
  • list icon Taking CD/LD for 9 years
  • list icon Getting back on his game
Actor portrayal.
Image of Patrick participating in physical therapy


a 59-year-old man on CD/LD who was sidelined by symptom return

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Patrick began to cut back on face-to-face meetings at work and stopped going to the gym because he was concerned that his symptoms would return unexpectedly
  • Shaking hand Patrick began experiencing disruptive symptom return, which typically included rigidity and slowness. Oral therapy took some time to begin to work and the disruptions were distressing—especially in the office.
  • Stiff legs If Patrick’s symptoms returned while he was in the gym, they usually put an end to his workout.
Getting back on his game
  • A figure running
    In addition to adjusting Patrick’s baseline treatment, his doctor also prescribed on-demand INBRIJA so that he can manage his symptom return anytime, anywhere.
    Refer to the Full Prescribing Information for the Instructions For Use.
Portrait of Patrick smiling at the office.
INBRIJA has made a difference in Patrick’s ability to control his OFF periods. When he started to see that his return of symptoms could be managed in a timely way, he became reengaged professionallyand in his workout routine.
—Patrick’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.


a 62-year-old man who was knocked off his game by symptom return

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  • list icon An avid golfer who plays weekly with friends
  • list icon Taking CD/LD for 7 years
  • list icon Getting back on course
Actor portrayal.
Portrait shot of Stephen standing at the golf course

MEET stephen,

a 62-year-old man on CD/LD who was knocked off his game by symptom return

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Stephen’s concern and frustration over symptom return began to keep him from playing golf and seeing his friends
  • A shaking golf club Stephen started experiencing returning symptoms like tremors, rigidity, and gait disturbance, often while playing golf.
  • A figure sitting down next to their golf clubs He would have to quit before finishing the round because his next dose of oral CD/LD would not begin working soon enough.
Getting back on course
  • A golf ball sitting on a tee Stephen’s doctor adjusted his baseline regimen and also added on-demand INBRIJA to help manage his symptoms when they occur so that Stephen wouldn’t miss out on important moments with his friends.
Stephen smiling on the golf course with friends.
On-demand INBRIJA has helped Stephen take control over his symptoms when they return. He no longer lets the concern of symptoms returning stop him from playing a round of golf with his friends.
—Stephen’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.


a 58-year-old woman who was taken out of the game by symptom return

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  • list icon
    Plays in a weekly bowling league with her friends
  • list icon
    Taking CD/LD for 6 years
  • list icon
    Getting back in the game
Actor portrayal.
Portrait shot of Andrea holding up a bowling ball

MEET andrea,

a 58-year-old woman on CD/LD who was taken out of the game by symptom return

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Andrea’s concern over symptom return in public caused her to begin skipping her weekly bowling night with the girls
  • A group of figures Andrea started experiencing unexpected symptom return, which typically included difficulty walking, tremors on her left side, quiet voice, and “everything slowing down.”
  • A crossed-out party hat Andrea's concern that her symptoms would return and impact her in public caused her to begin skipping social events and regular get-togethers.
How Andrea got back in the game
  • A bowling ball hitting the pins After Andrea shared how the unpredictability of symptom return was affecting her day, her doctor decided to prescribe on-demand INBRIJA in addition to adjusting her baseline medication. Now, Andrea is excited to be back at bowling night with her friends. 
Portrait of Andrea smiling during her bowling game.
INBRIJA has been a helpful addition to Andrea’s treatment plan. She no longer avoids after-work social outings with friends. She takes INBRIJA on-demand as soon as she feels her symptoms return and gets back to her day.
—Andrea’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
INBRIJA has been a helpful addition to Andrea’s treatment plan. She no longer avoids after-work social outings with friends. She takes INBRIJA on-demand as soon as she feels her symptoms return and gets back to her day.
—Andrea’s treating physician
Actor portrayal.
INBRIJA® Indication

INBRIJA® (levodopa inhalation powder) is indicated for intermittent treatment of OFF episodes in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) treated with carbidopa/levodopa.

Important Safety Information
  • INBRIJA is contraindicated in patients taking or who have recently taken (within 2 weeks) nonselective monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (e.g., phenelzine and tranylcypromine) due to risk of hypertension.
  • Patients treated with levodopa have reported falling asleep during activities of daily living, including operation of motor vehicles, which sometimes resulted in accidents. Many patients reported somnolence but some reported no warning signs (sleep attack). Some of these events were reported more than a year after initiating treatment. Reassess patients for drowsiness/sleepiness including occurrence during specific activities. Advise patients of potential for drowsiness and ask about factors that may increase this risk.
    • Consider discontinuing INBRIJA in patients who report significant daytime sleepiness or falling asleep during activities that require active participation. If continuing INBRIJA, advise patients not to drive and to avoid activities that may result in harm. There is insufficient information that dose reduction will eliminate episodes of falling asleep during activities of daily living.
  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome-like symptoms (e.g., elevated temperature, muscular rigidity, altered consciousness, autonomic instability) have been reported with rapid dose reduction, withdrawal of, or changes in dopaminergic therapy.
  • Hallucinations and abnormal thinking and behavior may occur. Because of the risk of exacerbating psychosis, patients with a major psychotic disorder should ordinarily not be treated with INBRIJA and dopamine antagonists used to treat psychoses may exacerbate PD symptoms and decrease the effectiveness of INBRIJA.
  • Patients treated with INBRIJA can experience intense urges to gamble or spend money, increased sexual urges, binge eating, and/or other intense urges, and inability to control them. In some cases, these urges stopped with dose reduction or medication discontinuation.
  • INBRIJA may cause or exacerbate dyskinesias. If troublesome dyskinesias occur, consider stopping INBRIJA or adjusting other PD medications.
  • INBRIJA is not recommended in patients with asthma, COPD, or other chronic underlying lung disease because of the risk of bronchospasm.
  • Monitor patients with glaucoma for increased intraocular pressure.
  • Abnormalities in laboratory tests may include elevations of liver function tests (e.g., alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, lactic dehydrogenase, bilirubin), blood urea nitrogen, hemolytic anemia, and positive direct antibody test. Increased levels of catecholamines and their metabolites in plasma and urine may result in false-positive results suggesting pheochromocytoma.

The most common adverse reactions (≥ 5% and higher than placebo) were cough (15% vs 2%), upper respiratory tract infection (6% vs 3%), nausea (5% vs 3%), and sputum discolored (5% vs 0%).


Use of selective MAO-B inhibitors with INBRIJA may be associated with orthostatic hypotension. Monitor patients taking these drugs concurrently. Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists (e.g., phenothiazines, butyrophenones, risperidone, metoclopramide) and isoniazid may reduce levodopa efficacy; monitor patients for worsening PD symptoms. Iron salts or multivitamins with iron salts may reduce levodopa bioavailability.


There are no adequate data on the developmental risk associated with INBRIJA in pregnant women or on the effects on breastfed infants. Animal data shows carbidopa/levodopa is developmentally toxic (including teratogenicity). Levodopa may interfere with lactation. Levodopa has been detected in human milk.


Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.


Patients 65 years of age and older (n=56) experienced more of the following adverse reactions than patients <65 (n=58): cough (25% vs 5%), upper respiratory tract infection (11% vs 2%), nausea (7% vs 3%), vomiting (4% vs 2%), pain in extremities (4% vs 0%), and discolored nasal discharge (4% vs 0%).

Visit to obtain the Full Prescribing Information, Patient Information and Instructions for Use.


INBRIJA is contraindicated in patients taking or who have recently taken (within 2 weeks) nonselective monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (e.g., phenelzine and tranylcypromine) due to risk of hypertension.


Patients treated with levodopa have reported falling asleep during activities of daily living, including operation of motor vehicles, which